How applying basic laws in day-to-day life is peaceful?
Introduction —
First of all, what is Law? Rules, regulations? Yes, the law includes all the rules, regulations, rights, duties of common folk. But, it is much more than that. Law is drafted after taking into account what people go through every day, what are people’s grievances, and what are their requirements. Law is a wide area to know about, it is not just studying or learning all the sections, subsections, articles, etc., the law helps one know how the government of a country functions, how the citizens of that country are bound to the government, to their fellow citizens. Law speaks about the day-to-day life of people.
As a law student, I feel that law is a very beautiful area to explore. Yes, ‘beautiful’ is the word. Law is beautiful as it includes everything from your birth to your death, it includes even the things that may take place after your death. So isn’t it interesting to know that how a field covers every aspect of the environment? By using the term ‘environment’ I am not only referring to the flora and fauna around you but the birth, death, travels, incorporation of businesses, buying products and services, education, health, and every possible life activity that you experience.
Importance of application —
Law talks about a person’s basic rights and duties to be followed. How many of us are serious about following them and how many of us actually know about the complete set of rules? I am not asking you to byheart them and memorize. The simple rule is if you don’t know just explore, find out information about it, go through them, question yourself that ‘How is this relevant for our life, How can I put them to use, What is its importance for me to thrive through the requirements? One can easily access data but it is totally one’s own discretion to understand them and apply them in your everyday work.
Law is simple as long as you are interested in following them. You don’t have to be a law student to know the law, you can be an engineer, doctor, MBA graduate, professor, bank manager, or any common folk who is a part of the society. Obviously, you don’t have to know the detailed sections say for example, of the Indian partnership act, 1932 unless you are planning to start a partnership business or about the Criminal procedure code or the Environmental protection act, 1986. But, it is necessary to have some basic or rough ideas of these common laws say, for example, the Right to life includes the right to ecology where environmental protection and the right to quality environment is a fundamental right. Or say another example is that the law of torts says that assault is a threat or an attempt to inflict offensive physical contact, here most of us believe that only when there is a physical touch like hitting amounts to assault but even showing an action that you are about to slap someone amounts to assault.
If we talk about the recent amendments in the Motor Vehicles Act, they are quite strict we all feel. As per the new rule, a person driving without a license has to pay a penalty of Rs. 5,000 which was Rs. 500 earlier; the penalty has increased by ten times! Not wearing the helmet Rs. 1,000 fine which was Rs. 100 earlier. How many of you think that this is too much? 76.6% of us think so. But if we critically analyze these amendments, we can comprehend that these are acceptable because if one does not want to pay such a heavy penalty then just follow the rules, as simple as that. Strict laws at times prove to bring out discipline and a sense of responsibility within the citizens. Not every citizen follows it but by doing so you can escape from facing imprisonment and avoid paying heavy fines.
Another important principle of Absolute Liability came into existence through the case of M. C. Mehta v. Union of India (1987), popularly known as the Oleum Gas Leak case of Shriram Foods of Delhi. Strict Liability has exceptions but Absolute Liability has no exception the defendant cannot escape, they will have to pay the compensation to the aggrieved parties. One can easily avoid this just by following the legal guidelines. Even consumer protection is evolving and has new amendments as of 2019. Earlier there was no claim for product liability in the 1986 act, but the new act of 2019 says that a claim for product liability can be made against the manufacturer, service provider, and the seller. Also, there were no provisions for unfair contracts but the new act has provisions for the same.
Adherence to the law —
Bribery is a very common term. Most of the ‘teens on bikes’ feel throwing a 100 rupees note on the face of traffic police will set them free from penalties, but not all cops will leave you by accepting your bribe nor will the habit of bribing for every mistake will save you. These small bribes that one gives will change into a habitual escape zone which might later lead to bigger problems. These are very common events that take place around us, but they all are wrongs, either big or small wrong can never be excused.
There is a legal maxim ‘Ignorantia Juris non-excusat” which means that a person who is ignorant of any law or does not have knowledge about any particular law cannot be excused from liability for violating such a law by giving an excuse that “I did not know”, you will be considered ignorant and have to face the consequences.
Law feels to be the best when one follows it regularly and the worst when one is lethargic to abide by them. Like Tishani Doshi said, “Take care of the small things and the big things will fall into place”, though she said those precious words to protect the ice caps, glaciers and to understand that global warming is a big deal, this can be applied to every aspect. If you follow basic laws then you will automatically develop the idea of following the more complex ones in the long run. Following the rules and regulations on a day-to-day basis will definitely bring about a change in your life and give you peace. Ignorance to law is ignorance to a peaceful existence and abiding by the law is building of a content living.